Choosing a Rollator

Find your Freedom with the Right Device

It’s hard for any of us to admit that we can no longer get around as easily as we used to. And in 2014, it’s easier than ever to compensate for all sorts of mobility challenges. Email, social media, and smartphones have made it easier than ever to keep in touch with people you don’t see face-to-face, and you can buy almost anything you need online, often with free shipping.

But there is nothing that can replace the feeling of independence that comes with being able to take a walk outside, or move items around your house without asking someone for help. If you find yourself avoiding situations that require you to walk even short distances or putting off tasks until you can find someone to come over and assist, you may be ready for a mobility aid such as a rollator.

Why choose a rollator?

A rollator provides much more stability and support than a cane, and vastly more mobility and convenience than a walker. Rollators come in different styles and options, but the three main categories are: 3-wheel, 4-wheel, and bariatric. All three styles are available with large wheels that can roll smoothly on smooth indoor and rough outdoor surfaces, and most can be outfitted with a basket or carry bag as well as IV poles or oxygen tank holders. Most can also handle an added cup holder, so you never have to be without your coffee or water bottle! 

Drive's Fall Prevention Resource Page

View our fall prevention resource page to see more related articles.

Explore all of our Bathroom Safety options

Drive offers a wide range of bath benches, grab bars and more to fit your specific safety needs in the bathroom.

Browse our diverse line of Mobility Products

Drive offers an extended line of rollators, walkers, canes and more to assist with your mobility needs and prevent dangerous falls.

How do rollator styles differ?

Though they have many features in common, there are important differences to consider.

Rollator styles and features


Rollator Style

Main features

Best for


  • Narrow width
  • High maneuverability

Users with good stamina who do not need a seat to rest on.


  • Highest stability
  • Integrated seat

Users who need balance support and have difficulty standing for long periods.


  • Extra-large wheels
  • Oversized seat

Overweight or obese users who need both stability and seating.

The path to independence begins with a rollator

Whatever style of rollator you choose, you may soon find yourself wondering why you ever lived without it. A customer Alexandra summed up her feelings in a review of her Drive rollator. “Rollators are a godsend for seniors or anyone with impaired mobility and for the caregivers who look after them.” 

Learn more and see the full range of rollators made by Drive here. 

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